Norwegian Tunnelling Network in close cooperation with Innovation Norway, the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Chile and Norwegian Networks (VIA Cluster, ITS Norway), start up a major Team Norway initiative in Chile. This was clear when the initiative and fundings to the planned activities was approved by the Norwegian Authorities and Innovation Norway in June 2021.

In this collaboration, we plan to follow up the government's action plan for exports, where the goal is to increase Norwegian exports by making strategic activities and investments in the International market. We see many competitive advantages in the Norwegian tunnelling industry and wish to connect these with investigated opportunities in Chile. We will achieve our goals through a close collaboration between the Norwegian Tunnelling Network, Innovation Norway, professional networks, companies, industry organizations, other policy actors and the foreign services. These joint actions is well known as a Team Norway initiative.
This is a High Potensial Opportunity (HPO) project, a new demand driven export program where Team Norway at large (public business support institutions, ministries, embassies, business clusters and business organizations) assist Norwegian suppliers to increase exports and international investments and help facilitating for knowledge and technology cooperation.
As part of this program, we will;
arrange start-up meetings in Norway in August 2021, where we will plan meetings and conferences in Chile, starting September/October 2021,
start an in-depth market survey/market analysis,
launch a customized Global Growth program for participating organizations and institutions in August 2021,
establish a safe-landing office in Santiago Chile.
other activities ..
Through a dialogue between the Chilean authorities/ stakeholders and the Norwegian Tunnelling Network, the market has proven to have a high potential for Norwegian suppliers. Norwegian expertise, experience and methods are considered very interesting for the Chilean market.
The Norwegian tunnel method is the most cost-effective practice in the world in certain conditions, and Norwegian suppliers can document excellent quality and a correct focus on cost / benefit. Furthermore, Norway is a world leader in digitalization, and the suppliers are competitive through their efficient use of digital tools and systems in all phases of projects - throughout planning, construction and operation.
Our initiative started with a main focus on tunnels and underground structure market. But we see this as a broader investment, promoting:
Tunnels and underground expertise,
Bridge and load-bearing expertise,
Digital planning and digital implementation in projects,
ITS (digital management, regulation and monitoring of infrastructure).
In July 2021, we arranged a kick-of meeting with invitations to members, professional networks and other stakeholders in Norway, where we announced the great news and invited Norwegian suppliers to the initiative. In the meeting we got a warm welcome from the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Chile, followed up by a warm welcome from the director of Innovation Norway (in Latin America) and his supporting team, which also introduced us to the HPO project concept, and our ambitions to increase export and trade between Norway and Chile. In the meeting we learned more about the opportunities and was introduced to our collaborating organizations in Norway, where the Director of VIA Cluster told us about their ambitions in international markets. An invitation to activities in 2021 was announced and more details can be found on our event pages.
What is HPO?
High Potential Opportunities (HPO) is a new demand driven export program where Team Norway at large (public business support institutions, ministries, embassies, business clusters and business organizations) will assist Norwegian companies to win big international commercial contracts (above 500 mill NOK). Together with Team Norway, Innovation Norway has a central role in finding, validating, executing and coordinating public support and assistance.